Pandit Anil Randev has been an active Hindu Brahmin priest in the UK for over 35 years. He as traveled extensively all across the country conducting weddings, chonkeys, havans, jagrans, kirtans and all other samskars for the UK Hindu community. He has currently established a thriving Hindu temple in Nottingham from scratch and is hoping to extend it further in order to cater for its expanding congregation and activities.
Anilji is now available full time to perform any Hindu samskar including weddings and havans. Anilji has excellent and fluent English and can also speak fluent Punjabi and Hindi to cater to the needs of all audiences. He is adapt in explaining Hindu rituals and ceremonies to all audiences of all backgrounds and cultures. He promises to bring you ceremony to life and is now taking bookings for throughout the year.
Pujas and samskaras are all extremely important religious rituals one goes through in life. Anilji has now started taking bookings for Hindu weddings, samskaras (all pujas), havans as well as jagratas, chonkis, and kirtans. Anil can also offer many pujas such as Satyanarayan katha, Gayatri deep yagya, Griha Pravesh, Rudra Abhishek and many others. He is also the founder and head priest of the Bhagwati Shakti Peeth temple in Nottingham, which has now become a hugely popular and important pillar for the community and is attended by people from all over the country. He can recite prayers in Sanskrit and in fluent Hindi and Punjabi and he can offer English translations on all prayers and ceremonies to facilitate the youth if requested. A highly respected and established priest, Anilji offers a wealth of experience, expertise and most importantly, devotion, in a warm and friendly way.
Due to a high request for his services, he is now taking bookings for all ceremonies and occasions throughout the whole UK and abroad. He also has his own transport, sound system, instruments and puja paraphernalia.